Fun with Wind

Hey there, future scientists and environmental superheroes! Are you ready to catch some wind and save the planet?
Come join our STEM course and learn how to make your own wind vane and anemometer.
You'll discover the amazing power of wind energy and how it can help us protect the Earth.
Plus, you'll get to plant some seeds and recycle like a pro.
So, what are you waiting for?
Sign up now and let's go green together!
Suggested For: Ages 8+
Duration: 45 Mins Course
Created By : The study pod
Last Updated On : 31st March 2023

Skills You Will Gain:

Course Description:

Hey kids, are you curious about how wind works and how it can help us be more eco-friendly?
Join our awesome STEM course and let’s explore the science behind wind power!
You’ll get to build your very own wind vane and anemometer and measure the wind like a pro.
And that’s not all! We’ll also do some cool Earth Day activities like planting and recycling.
So, grab your lab coat and let’s get started!

+28 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate
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