
Demystify the Universe and seek answers to some of the most intriguing questions through this course. Enroll Now!

Suggested For: Ages 8 or above
Duration: 0 Hour 45 Mins
Course Created By : Science Time
Last Updated On : 4th august 2022

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Course Description

The two lesson course aims to clear all your queries about the Universe. The Universe has been a mystery to mankind since forever. Understanding the universe has been the ultimate aim of humans since their evolution. However, only 4% of the universe has been discovered. In this course we would be introduced to the Big Bang theory and Big Freeze theory. We are hopeful that studying the universe will, someday, solve the mysteries of the stars, the planets and the galaxies.

Who this course is for:

Learners, thinkers, enthusiasts and anyone who is curious to know more about the Universe.


Nothing but a curious mind!!

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Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate
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